Its quite busy day for me today. I have numerous meeting about some weapons and its uses and other important things. Today I am returning to my unit itself to Nasik to Pune. After completing my last meeting of the day with other unit officers I came out of the room. As soon as I came out all my soldiers and below working commander saluted me and said "jai hind".

[ (It is a way of greeting the higher officials in army)
( And about 'unit' thing yeah in army each and every department as unit and that unit as different number)
(I know all this because my father is an army men and I am proud to say that I am an army men's daughter)] - author's note

I greeted them back and then called one of my group member to ask about my leaving time.

" Jai hind sir, sir your chopper is ready and if you say we can leave immediately sir" he said standing firmly.

"Okay! We can leave within 10mins. You may go inform the pilot. Now leave" I said .

I took my phone out and switched it on. He nodded and once again saluted and went away.

I was about to open my phone to check messages but one officer came and started talking to me. I also kept the phone inside my pocket and engaged myself in the talk but my concentration broke when my phone started ringing. I smiled at that officer

"excuse me. Have to take this call" I said and attended it.

Phone conversation:


"Hello major sir when are you planning to come Home and visit this old mom of urs?" She asked.

My lovely amma (mom) sumitra whom I love the most in the world and yeah she is soo dramatic too.

"Amma you know this drama won't work on me and how many times should I say that I have work" I said

" No..... Fine do whatever you want. I know you don't love me. One no love me neither your dad nor your sister now you also" she said definitely she will be wiping her invisible tears.

" Amma who said I don't love you. I love you the most amma" I said trying to butter her.

"Ohh shut up you young man. If you love me then you would have come to home within this month" she said

"Ohh god amma, which serial are you watching lately? This much threatening and drama. Okay fine I will next week. Happy?" I said

"Aww my lovely laddu. See you soon. Now go to Nasik safely. After going to ur room call me byee" she said

" Ammaaaa how many times should I say don't call me laddu" I said irritatedly. But she hanged up on my face. Hump...

See I said right she is so dramatic somehow she made me accept. But first I was just teasing her. I have already booked my tickets to Hyderabad.

Ohhh sorry I completely forgot to Introduce myself soo,

I am Major. Aadheeran Adidev pratap. By hearing major u all would have known that I am an army officer. Yes I am Major in command. Sub head to my unit 3081. Currently working in Nasik. Recently I got my transfer from Rajasthan. Very hot to very cool palce 'chuckles'

Then my father Ex.Subedar. Adidev pratap is an retired army officer. Now doing some helps in business with my best friend cum brother-in-law Ayaan Kumar

My mother Mrs.Sumitra Adidev pratap is an house wife and managing our families trust's, foundation like old age homes and orphanages.

I have a little sister who's married to my best friend Mr.Ayaan kumar ( completed mba and handling our families & his families business)

Mrs. Lekha Ayaan kumar (completed mba and handling or working same as ayaan she is his partner in business) now she is 3 months pregnant with my niece or nephew.

My family lives in Hyderabad. Our native is Coimbatore but we settled in Hyderabad. And mom is nagging me to come home because lastly I went home before 5 months. After that now only I am going to go.


" Yayyyy yess yes...... Oooohoo I am very happy. I am very happy.... Ohh no I have so many arrangements to do finally he is coming home" sumitra danced like a crazy women.

"Amma stop stop what happened? Why are you dancing like a mad women" lekha asked coming down from her room. Sumitra frowned

"I am not mad women you are the one who is mad here. I am happy because finally my son Adhi agreed to come home and u know what he is coming next week itself and I have to do so many arrangements god how much work I have to do" she said excitedly lekha sat on the couch and shook her head in disbelief

"Amma I think we are doing wrong by not Informing him about this. Atleast we should do that" lekha said

"We are doing nothing wrong. First let him come home them I will explain everything to him" sumitra said

"If he don't agree to this then what will you do? Will you force him?" Lekha asked

"He will agree. I know my son he will not deny his mother and moreover who will in the right mind will say no to HER. She is perfect for him" she said proudly.

Lekha huffed and agreed with her.


Here ends five years of my university life. From today on no more classes to attend and no more exam to appear for.

Five years have passed way too quickly. I seem to remember my first day like it happened yesterday. The mixed emotions of my nervousness and happiness of entering into a new world are still so lively. Today was my last and final exam and finally I am free.

"Hey Aadhya girl (Aadhya ponnu) why are you smiling like fool? Is everything alright?" Kamala grandma who always travels with me in bus in the evening asked (she is good at heart and fun type)

"Paati!! I am not fool" I said glaring her. She laughed

"To answer your question yes everything is okay it's just I was thinking how these 5 years went so quickly. Actually my classmates were saying that 'they completed their college soo now all are going to enjoy their life but for me I have to or wanted to become a marketing manager and always from childhood. I am average in studies and now I worked hard for this I think I will achieve it" I said

"You will dear. God bless you" she said keeping her hand on my head.

I smiled at her and turned to window allowing the fresh air to caress my cheeks.

See I am a fool without introducing myself talking anything.soo

I am Aadhya Ram Kumar. As I said now only I completed my MBA final exam so basically I am a M.design graduate (fashion designer) and wanted to become a fashion designer. I live in Hyderabad and also studied in Hyderabad's reputed college. I am not a topper or loser but I am in middle of that. (ie) I am an average student. Like everyone I don't have any bestie with whom I can share everything. I am alone from my middle school, high school and college too or I can say I didn't find anyone like my bestie type. I think god as some other plans for me let's see.

Then my father Ex.Subedar.Ram kumar is an retired Army man. Now working as a security head in minister's house. He is very strict and arrogant. Every girls will say that their favourite is their dad but for me my mom is my favourite. I always afraid and get nervous to talk to him. It may be because my life fully from childhood till my first year of college I spent without him because he was in army and me ,mom were here. He will come only when he gets leave. So yeah I am like that only.

And my mom Mrs.Sitara Ramkumar she is housewife also she runs a home bakery where she delivers cake and pastries. She will get 3 to 6 orders per day. Till now it is successful and her cooking are amazing. She made sure that I learnt from her and like her.

Then I have a small sister Aditi Ramkumar who is studying 8th standard in reputed ICSE school. The same school where I completed my schooling.

Soon my stop came I got up and waved bye to Kamala grandma and got down. At the same time one school bus stopped and my baby sister got down form it. It is always like this when my bus comes at the same time her school bus will also come and we both will go home together.

In the way back home we both discussed about our day and teased eachother and laughed at the joke she said.

"Akka u know today my friend teja was o worried because of her sister neha was crying from yesterday" she said eating her chocolate that I gave.

I know teja and neha very well because neha is also my college only but different cource. now only going to complete her bachelor's in management. And she is junior to me. And one or two time I have talked to her too.

"Why her sister was crying?" I asked eating my chocolate.

"Because Teja's parents fixed marriage for neha akka. So she is worried about it and crying" she said making me gasp.

Ohhh god how can uncle and aunty do that to her. Still she is studying and what about her career and dreams? God I pity her may her husband support her.

Thank God that my parents trusted in me and didn't do anything like that. They allowed me to complete my studies and I know they will allow me to work on my career too.

"Its ok leave it. We can't do anything to her. But we can pray to God that let her get lovely and supporting husband ok and say to your friend teja that everything will be alright ok" I said she nodded.

"Akka shall we go to that temple in our way home and pray for them please" she asked showing her puppy eyes. How can I say no to my baby sis. I smiled and nodded

We walked faster than before because if we reach home late then our mom will become real kalli. 'chuckles'

We went to temple and got inside then washed out foot and prayer for neha and everyone. After getting prasad from priest we came outside. Then went to our home but I have that feeling like something is going to happen today. I have that feeling like some sting in my heart with that feeling itself we reached home.

There one more extra car was standing outside. I opened the gate and we went inside some extra slippers were there. Something is fishy who would have came home at this time. I shrugged and went inside. In the living room one old couple in my parent's age and another couple in young age may that girl will be in my age and man will be 1 or 2 years elder than me. I went inside and smiled at them for some respect.

"Here comes my daughters Aadhya and Aditi" my dad said showing us one by one.

I did namaste and said vanakam to the elders and one small hii to youngsters.

"Aadhya, Aditi this is Adidev my childhood best friend and he also an retired army man but different unit from mine then she is sumitra his wife then they have one son and one daughter. His son couldn't able to come. She is lekha his daughter then he is Ayaan kumar Lekha's husband" he introduced everyone to us.

Before I could say something I think lekha, she got up and came near me and dragged me and made me sit near her

"Hii so you know my name and all. So I know you are studying college but what course?" She said

"Umm yeah. Today only my final exam completed. I did my master in fashion designing" I said

Then like wise we both started talking with each other I came to know that she completed MBA and now handling thier family company with her husband. Then she is two years elder than me. And she is soo jolly type and good girl.

Actually first I was not very comfortable to speak to her as I am a introvert but she made me comfortable that I liked in her.

"Aadhya I know you will be confused that why they are here suddenly because they are here to ask your hand in marriage for their son" my dad said giving a big shock and surprise of my life. I was very shock to hear the next word of my dad

"Marriage?" I said



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