" Marriage?" I said

"Yes marriage only" dad said.

I saw my mom who is standing with emotionless face there. She know that I want to work on my career then how can she do this to me.

Already tears started coming from my eyes. I don't want to cry infront of everybody.

"Excuse....me" I said and went to my room closed the door.

Why god? Why? Just few mins back only I said my parents won't do something like that but now they are also fixing my marriage with somebody whom I don't know and that too without informing me.

I cried cried and cried. If I get married then what about my career? God please help me I don't know what to do?

I was crying on my fate but I heard a knocking sound on my door. I wiped my and got up went and opened the door. There stood Sumitra aunty and my mom.

"May I come in?" She asked

I moved aside and let them both inside. Sumitra aunty sat on bed and mom sat on the couch in the room. Sumitra aunty signalled me to come and sit beside her. First I hesitated but went and sat near her. She took my hand in hers

"Aadhya I know how you will be feeling after hearing the marriage thing on the last day of ur college. So please forgive me to putting u in this situation. I am sorry ma" she said

"Aiyoo aunty please don't make me feel so vulnerable by apologizing aunty. Whatever it is u are elder to me and u should not apologize to me. Yes I am shocked that my parents didn't even thought to inform me about this" I said

"No ma it's not ur parents fault. Its mine actually I was the one who liked you for my son. On the first time when I saw you on the orphanage that day itself I decided that you will be my daughter-in-law and my son's wife" she said

"Orphanage?" I asked because I will go for two orphanage in month.

"Yeah. Sumivriksham orphanage. That is our families orphanage and before 4 months on April 26th you came there with some toys and chocolate to them. The guardian there always said to me that one girl will come weekly here but that day I saw you accidentally. But that was the first time I saw myself in you that same kindness, calmness and most importantly that innocent behaviour with the children. Everything I needed in my daughter-in-law and always my son will say that I want a wife same like you and that day I found me in you soo I liked you. Soo I decided that I will ask your hand in marriage to ur parents but when I investigated about you I came to know that still you are studying. So I waited 4 months for you and this meeting was about to happen next week ma. But the son of mine coming next week and if I miss this then I don't know when he will come again. Also he said he is coming in 10days leave so we thought to come today itself ma" she explained everything clearly to me.

4 months she waited for me? For a simple girl like me? What is special in me that she waited? Am I special? No I think.

I actually like her she is so genuine and jolly and fun type. I am getting a mother feeling from her. Actually not only her I like their full family.

Where her son went that he is coming in 10days leave? What he is working actually? I said her son because still I don't know his name.

" So please ma think about this. I want only you to my house" she said

I saw my mom who is smiling at me proudly. She nodded and blinked her eyes to say yes.

"And don't think that you will be coming to my home as daughter-in-law but you will come as my daughter to my house. You will have full freedom there also like here. I know that you want to work. Yeah you can work no will say anything to you not even my son that is your to be husband if you say yes" she teased me at last making me blush. They laughed seeing me.

"Soo by seeing ur blush I can say that you answer is yes right?" She asked

"But aunty I don't know anything about HIM. What HE is doing? What is HIS character? How HE will be looking? And mainly what is HIS name?" I asked her without thinking anything but realised what I asked and then blushed.

"Hmmm.....so much eager to know him huh?. Ok so his name is Aadheeran. Major.Aadheeran. yeah he is an army man. Now he is currently working in Nasik and about his character you both have lifetime to know eachother but I assure you that he is everything that every girl long for. And about how he looks I assure you that my son is handsome and hot too. Then give me ur number I will send his pic. So you can see how much handsome he is" she said again making me red.

"98******01" I gave my number to her and immediately a message pipes in my phone. But I kept that to see afterwards.

"Now sended. Now say are you ready to marry my son and come to our home as my daughter?" She asked cutely.

I chuckled and nodded. Immediately she stood up and kissed my forehead

" But aunty I want to speak to u privately. Amma you go down we will come" I said and sended amma down. I closed the door and sat beside her.

Every girls will speak privately with their soon to be husband but here I am speaking with my mother-in-law. What fate see. I did not even think toady morning while waking up that I will keep this condition to someone. But it's all called as destiny.

"Umm... Aunty I want to ask you something if you don't mind?" I asked her. She waved off and said

"U don't have to ask permission aadhya. U can ask me anything" she said. I smiled nervously

" Aunty If HE is army then he will go to his work place after marriage right?" I asked. She nodded

" Soo can I also go with him itself aunty. I will come whenever he comes here. I will stay with him itself aunty. Don't think that I am taking ur son from u. Soo can I go with him aunty?" I asked her. She Chuckled first making me confused

" Now only I said you are just like me. Now again u are proving me that. I am saying this because I also kept the same condition in front of my mother-in-law and ur uncle. And I know what my son will say u ask him urself and as I am ur to be mother-in-law I am............ Okay with it" she said making me hug her tightly.

"Thank you so much aunty" I said

" And I understand why you said that soo u don't have to explain to me ok" she said. I nodded

" Now is it a yes?" She asked

"Yes aunty I am ready to become ur daughter-in-law but about becoming ur son's wife I will say to him myself" I said. She laughed.

She stood up and danced like a crazy women making me laugh at her.

" Yes yessss finally my son is going to get married and I am going to get another daughter. I am soo happy. Thank you so much aadhya" she said and kissed my fore head. I smiled and hugged her.

"And you have to call me mom and ur uncle dad okay" she said

"Ok mom" I said. She smiled and caressed my cheeks

" Go get fresh up and come down. I will say to ur mom to give you something to u to eat. U will be tried after writing exam" she said. I nodded she went down closing the door.

Ahh I love her already man. How sweet she is.

I smiled thinking about her answer to my question. I kept that condition because I know many army man leave their wife in their house itself like my dad left my mom.

We girls Marry a man by trusting them with us but they leave us here itself. Marriage is of two families joining I know but main important is that to who get married right but they leave us with thier family then what is this marriage for. only for baby making? No right.

Mainly this is done in South India. The men there mostly leave their wife in their house itself. Although they get a military quarters separately for family and married man. My father also did the same to my mom.


My father also married my mother in arranged marriage but left her in his house with his mother,father and sister. He went to army after two days of marriage. She gone through more. Her mother-ih-law and father-in-law that is grandparents tortured her more and treated her like a slave. Actually she was living there like a servent.

After one and half month when my dad came back. They all treat her properly and caringly. She aslo didn't want to create rift between family so she kept quite. He also didn't ask her anything.

Then again after completing his leave he went. She asked him to take her with him but refused her saying that his parents will be alone here. She also didn't oppose him.
She is always like that only she will not talk against him never till now she is like that only.

After a one month of his leaving she came to know that she is pregnant with me. She was soo happy and want to inform him first. She wrote a letter to him but my grandparents got that and asked her that 'whos child is that? How she became after one month of my dad's leaving?"

But somehow she informed him that she is pregnant. From then they always torture her. In that my dad's sister's husband was also an pervert here. She gone through more without my dad. If my dad was with her then this all will not be happened right?

After my birth dad bought a land in Hyderabad and built a house here. Then we came here and mom started her bakery.


So by this I am trying to say is whatever it is after marriage wife should be with the husband only that too in Arranged Marriage. I am not saying every mother-in-law is like that. They are some like sumitra mom too.

I want to be with him to understand him and love him. I always fantasied about Army man. If I ever married one then I will be with him only. Because I know how much my mom struggled without dad. I don't want my future child to be like me.

I always get nervous and fear to talk to dad. I want to be comfortable with him I tried too but I don't know why he always speaks in rough tone. I think every army man will be like that only. So yeah this is the reason I kept that condition.

After getting fresh and changing into new dress. I went to living room. I smiled at everyone and sat near lekha my soon-to be sister-in-law.

"So aadhya said yes and it is very happy news. I want to say that next week Friday we have a good auspicious time so that we can keep marriage"
Dad (Adidev) said.

I know this is going to come because HE is coming for 10days leave right.

My appa and amma saw eachother then

" But what about Aadheeran. Is he said yes?" My amma asked.

Finally my mom thought to open her mouth.

" Sitara akka u don't have to worry about that he will say yes. He is my son I know him" sumitra mom said. Amma nodded

" Then we don't have any problem in that but all the marriage arrangements how we will do this so soon?" Appa asked

" Don't worry ram we all together will complete it okay " Adidev dad said

Then they all started talking about arrangements and everything.

"Thanks anni for saying yes to the marriage. I think I can call you anni right?" She asked I smiled

"You can call me by my name,you are elder to me and I will call you anni only because u are my Anna's wife. Can I call you anna right?" I asked seeing ayaan anna. He smiled brightly at me

"Sure ma. I am very lucky to get a sister like you. Thanks for making me ur brother ma" he said.

After we all went to dining table and setteled for dinner. Me and amma arranged dining table.

After eating dinner then some discussion after that they bid bye and went.

I am somewhere happy and scared to take this big step in my life.

I will be the only bride who said yes to the marriage without even seeing my to be husband. I hope he will be prince charming that I dreamt for.....




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